1. Download and complete the PSSSP Application.



2. Submit all supporting documentation, transcripts and fees, in accordance with Application Deadlines.

Annual Deadline Dates

March 15th

*For a May program
start date.

May 15th

*For a July program
start date.

June 15th

*For a September program
start date.

November 15th

*For a January program
start date.


To be eligible for sponsorship you must meet the following requirements:

1. Be a member whose name appears on the Membership list controlled by the Samson Cree Nation.

2. Be accepted for enrollment at a recognized post-secondary educational institution for a program of studies.

Required Documents

All students, must submit the following documents for the annual fall intake:

  1. Completed post-secondary application form: Complete all sections of the application form and sign and date the “Student declaration and sponsorship contract”.
  2. Five dollars ($5.00) application fee: Submit a non-refundable and non-transferable application fee. The application fee is only required for the Fall (September) intake and is required annually.
  3. Most recent transcripts: Submit the transcripts from the last education institution the applicant has attended.
  4. Class schedule: Submit a class schedule that lists the courses the applicant is enrolled in.  A class schedule from the student portal (Bear Tracks, the loop, my U of C, etc.) is preferred. Please do not send general course outlines, descriptions, or universities calendars.
  5. Schools Consent to Release of Personal Information Form: This form can be located at the universities Registrar’s office, universities website, or our website for students convenience. This form is required for the Fall (September) intake and must be provided annually. Please use “Trevor Swampy or Allyson Dennehy” as the authorized individuals where applicants school information will be released to.
  6. Letter of acceptance or conditional acceptance: Submit a copy of this letter from the recognized post-secondary institution the applicant is planning to attend. Continuing Students (students funded through PSSSP in the last academic term) do not need to re-submit their letter of acceptance as it is on the students file.
  7. Photocopy of health care card for self, spouse, and dependents: An applicant may claim for dependents who are up to the age of 18. Students must be the legal guardian of the dependents. Alberta Health Card numbers will not be accepted. Continuing Students (students funded through PSSSP in the last academic term) do not need to re-submit their health care cards as it is on the students file. If you do not have a card please order one at :Toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 then 780-427-1432.
  8. Direct deposit form from your banking institution. 
  9. *Second sponsor: Applicants and students must secure a second sponsor if their tuition is above the maximum of $6,000.00 CDN for bachelor’s degrees and $7,000.00 CDN for masters and doctoral degrees. If they are over this balance and covering the balance personally, they must provide a signed letter stating so.

Continuing Students must submit all documents excluding:

  1. Photocopy of health care card.
  2. Direct deposit bank form or void cheque.
  3. Letter of acceptance.

Winder Deadline Documents (For Continuing Students Only). Please submit:

  1. Completed PSSSP Application Form.
  2. Winter term class schedule.
  3. Winter tuition fee assessment.
  4. Fall Transcripts (January 15 Deadline)

Other Notes to Consider

New Applicants who are starting in Winter, Spring or Summer will not be guaranteed acceptance into PSSSP as our main intake is in September/Fall. Applicants who meet the PSSSP eligibility criteria, minimum requirements, and application requirements will be considered if there is funding.

Once an applicant has submitted the complete application, Please allow one month processing time. Applicants will be notified through email.

Students must inform the coordinator of changes to their residence, courses, spouse or dependents. Failure to do so could could result in a termination of funding through this program.


Late applicants will be reviewed by date and will only be considered if funding is available.

For any other questions, please write us at or call us at (780) 585-2211.