Find a Program Alberta is home to some of the finest post-secondary institutions. They offer a wide selection of programs to choose from. Take some time to see which one best fits you and your career aspirations! 7 Approved Program of Studies Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor, Masters, PH.D, & Professional degree’s. *Certificates less than 1 academic year, trades, & Adult Upgrading will be referred to Samson H/R. Eligible Institutions Eligible post-secondary institutions are degree, diploma or certificate granting institutions that are: 1. Recognized by a province or territory (in Canada or abroad); or 2. Educational institutions recognized to deliver post-secondary programs by arrangement with an eligible post-secondary institution. Most commonly approved Universities Maskwacis Cultural College Website Red Deer College Website University of Lethbridge Website Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Website University of Alberta Website MacEwan University Website Lethbridge College Website Portage College Website Medicine Hat College Website University of Calgary Website Blue Quills University Website Mount Royal University Website NorQuest College Website Athabasca University Website Programs not covered through PSSSP Students choosing to attend certain specialty schools and programs. Some of the most common specialty schools not covered are CDI College, Mactech Technical College, Marvel College, and Alberta Academy of Learning. Trades: Please contact Samson Human resources at 780-585-3305. Short Term training programs ie Emergency Medical Response, Hair styling, Cosmetics, esthetics, and Spa programs.