

Looking for school calendars, student registration forms, or other types of applications? We store most of our documents online for easy access!

Looking for school calendars, student registration forms, or other types of applications? We store most of our documents online for easy access!

What Type of documents are you looking for?


Here you will find yearly calendars, students registration forms, and other important documents for parents/guardians.


Here you will find documents for staff members.

NEA Policies & Procedures

Here you will find our policies & procedures documents.

Post-Secondary Student Support Program

Here you will find Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) documents.

Samson Education Trust Fund (SETF)

Here you will find Samson Education Trust Fund (SETF) documents.

Having trouble finding a document?

Call us toll free at 1-800-843-7359 or


Nipisihkopahk Education Authority

Nipisihkopahk Education Authority

Box 658
Maskwacis, AB
T0C 1N0

(780) 585-2211

Toll Free: 1-800-843-7359